American horror story

The Tale

Film. The Tale mixes reality and fiction, memory and investigation to give birth to a crackdown film on a child sexually abused. We met her director Jennifer Fox at the Deauville American Film Festival.

 Itw : Jacques Braunstein
Images : Olivier Schmitt

When she was 15, Jennifer had an affair with an older boy … She had forgotten him a bit and then her mother found a text she wrote at the time. The story is not quite what she imagined: she was not 15, but 13, the man, his coach, was an accomplished adult … Is it possible that she did not have any after-effects? Become documentary Jennifer is embarking on this crucial investigation for her.

The Tale is a fiction. But the director we met is actually Jennifer Fox and is a documentary filmmaker and The Tale tells her story. His feature film between reality and imagination, knits with virtuosity past and present. Impeccably served by its interpreters. And, in particular, Laura Dern (Wild at Heart, Jurassic Park, Star Wars 8 …) already four times awarded at the Golden Globe.