The war of roses

The Favourite

Trailer. Yorgos Lanthimos, the strange director of The Lobster comes back with The Favourite. A historical movie in which Rachel Weisz and Emma Stone argue for queen’s favors.

Spiritual son of Luis Bunel and David Cronenberg, the Greek director makes a series of projects. The Killing of the Sacred Deer in 2017, a series planned in 2019 for Amazon with Colin Farrell, and a new film on January 16, 2019: The Favorite. Here Lanthimos explores an quirky plot at the English court.

“Here Lanthimos explores a quirky plot at the English court”

Olivia Colman (The Lobster) plays Queen Anne (1702-1714). Lady Sarah (Rachel Weisz, seen in Agora or Youth …) her closest friend runs the country in her place. But when she sees disembark her cousin Abigail, personified by Emma Stone (La La Land, Magic in the moonlight …) his universe turning. The two women will fight a mercilessly while the Queen certainely will without fail to play the situation.

Sophie Castelain