
Back in USSR

Film. While the russian director Kirill Serebrennikov is under house arrest in Moscow, his film Leto about the birth of rock in the USSR in the 80s, appears to be one of the favorites for the Palm. We met the actors Teo Yoo, Irina Starshenbaum and Roman Bilyk …

By Jacques Braunstein

Leto (Summer) tells the difficulties of a rock pioneer at the end of the URSS… The story seems to repeat itself since its director Kirill Serebrennikov is not able to come to Cannes to defend this new russian pop culture avatar. As if the Kremlin was still afraid of it. Teo Yoo who plays Viktor Tsoï, is telling us about the Perestroika rocker in its beginnings during the torpor of a summer under the Brejnev years…

“The director is under house arrest in Moscow.”